"You cant make this list without the most powerful voice of cinema, James Earl Jones http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NdBV7LTd07g http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sXU3RfB7308"

"Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust is phenomenal! And I want to see Blood+ All the others have no interest imo EDIT: Oh how could I forget, this list need the best Vampire anime of all time: Hellsing ULTI"

"I am a straight man, but even I can see how eastern men are much more charming than western men, most notable Japanese and Koreans. Well done."

"Lista interessante, concordo com a maior parte dos comentários, tirando o do "The Kings Speech" O filme está muito bem conseguido. Mesmo não sendo eu fã do género gostei do filme a admito o bom t"

"You have watched 80%/20 Movies from this list and want to watch 4. Yup these are all important films"

"Thank you all for the votes and comments, it's a very honest list"

"Diane looks so much sexier with a more rounded (and arguably healthier) body, no doubt. She was hottest in the movie Troy."

"Good list with some very interesting choices... although I cant really vote for it because I can't agree with many of the chosen roles (Cary Grant for Notorious, Al Pacino for Godfather instead of Bra"

"I dont understand some of the movies in this list, but oh well"

"I am a Spielberg fan, most notably his Sci-fi. Artificial Intelligence is one of my favorites from him and when I watched it as a kid, it was one of the most intense cinematic experiences I ever had,"

"1. The Dark Knight 2. Wall-E 3. The Godfather 4. The Godfather: Part II 5. The Usual Suspects 6. Heat 7. 12 Angry Men 8. City Lights 9. Vertigo 10. Jin-Roh: The Wolf Brigade"

"I rarely agree with the first choice, this one hits it right on!"

"The show was very poor... but the 2010 movies were pretty good overall, though no one stood out enough for me to give it a 10."

"Dude if you like Christian Bale that much how come you don't mention Harsh Times? If you havn't watched that yet, just do it, it's my favorite Bale performance."

"Great list. But being Vertigo one of my favorite films of all freaking time, I can't help but think there are much more epic scenes in the movie."

"Pokemon Green was the very first, I don't think it had a release in America."

"As a man I disagree with Rourke. He has a very unique look, different and certainly not discrete, but he is far from ugly."

"How to Train You Dragon?? What is wrong with you?? I agree with most of the others though."

"Hounsou is one hell of an actor in his smaller roles, have you seen Blood Diamond yet? And Waltz is recent, but what he has done he showed he was born to act. As for the others I can only post the one"