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About me

I'm just a regular person, I like Cinema, Anime, PC and TV series. I like to go out and hang out with my friends, but I also greatly enjoy my moments of solitude.

I'm currently working on a Call Center and sharing the house with a friend, while figuring out what to do with my life. Never got the chance to go to college, but I also never really tryed.

Occupation: Working mostly part-time


About my collections

Unffortunately I'm not an avid reader and I don't have many DVD's so my only decent collection is of console videogames and comics. However my hardrive is filled with movies and series.

I do try to get good editions of DVD's of those movies that I really like.


4 votes
My Top Films from "The Avengers" (19 items)
Movie list by Veed
Published 12 years, 5 months ago 1 comment
1 votes
My Most Perfect Albums (19 items)
Music list by Veed
Published 7 years ago 1 comment
1 votes
My Top 10 Movies, 1997 (10 items)
Movie list by Veed
Published 13 years, 11 months ago 3 comments
2 votes
My Top 50 Sci-Fi Movies (50 items)
Movie list by Veed
Published 10 years, 10 months ago 1 comment
7 votes
My Top 50 Dramas of All Time (50 items)
Movie list by Veed
Published 14 years, 6 months ago 4 comments

Recent reviews

The Trigger

Posted : 13 years, 8 months ago on 12 February 2011 10:52 (A review of The Arrival of a Train at Station)

Not the first movie ever, but considered the very first movie ever being shown to the public, by the Lumière brothers who were the pioneers in "making" movies. Their first movie is usually entitled "Workers Leaving the Factory" (filmed at the entrance of the brothers' factory itself).

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One Piece: Strong World (Movie 10) (2009) review

Posted : 13 years, 11 months ago on 27 October 2010 03:08 (A review of One Piece: Strong World (Movie 10) (2009))

Strong World is indeed one of the best One Piece movies out there, taking into account that there are a lot! (10 movies not counting the Specials, etc). The crew is all there, the story is fantastic and contributes to the TV series and the art/animation is seriously good!

What could I have asked more for? Well... maybe more elaborated fights, Zoro and Sanji fights were incredibly short and even Luffy Vs. Shiki was far from the best One Piece duels.

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A thoughtful and entertaining ride

Posted : 14 years, 7 months ago on 5 March 2010 05:43 (A review of Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence)

I really liked it, especially the beginning and the ending of the movie. I liked it better than the first, found it more interesting and entertaining overall, but I cannot rate this movie without taking into account the first one. While the first movie works out as a standalone work, one cannot understand and truly appreciate the second movie without watching the first one... first.

Now this is what I call deep and thought provoking entertainment, this level of mind-rape can't be compared to the more farfetch'd (and overkill) one shown in Evangelion. I dunno, but to some extent Evangelion was only entertainment, while GitS felt a little more than that. You can also clearly see how this movie inspired future works as its first counterpart did (although not to the same extent). Why I compared it to Evangelion I have no idea... maybe because both were deep and had a very psychological and philosophical theme.

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A story about knowing and discovering oneself

Posted : 14 years, 7 months ago on 5 March 2010 05:38 (A review of Only Yesterday)

This was seriously my first attempt of a really "Slice of Life" anime
piece of work, and was I completely stunned by the amazing story this
turned out to be... It was enjoyable, interesting and rather thoughtful
ever since the beginning, simply because the characters were so simple,
realistic, well-developed and most important of all, likable. The
ending was outstanding, it showed the romantic side of this story and
it was so good and emotional it made me shed some tears, something I
almost never do out of Drama.

Miyazaki may be the most popular, with the more thrilling and
adventurous anime films out there, making absolutely gorgeous and
entertaining movies in my honest opinion, but with this movie, in my
eyes, Takahata proved to be on par with (if not superior to) Miyazaki
when it comes to directing a movie with a memorable story and realistic

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Humanity...for the good and for the bad.

Posted : 14 years, 7 months ago on 5 March 2010 05:36 (A review of Princess Mononoke)

One of those movies you don't see every day, month or year. The story is simple, modest and at the same time, groundbreaking and epic for its mix of reality and fantasy (actually the premise is very similiar to Nausicaa's). The characters are also very simple. However you can't help but sympathize with them, even with the antagonists, each one of them is unique, well developed and with its own fundamented and reasonable goal. The visuals are simply stunning, I will go and say: the best the 90's anime have seen. This movie will entertain you and make you think, there's a lot more to it than gods, demons, ecological messages, smooth and violent action sequences or beautiful emotional scenes. Watch how every character's action in this story can affect everyone and everything around them.

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Reality of fantasy?

Posted : 14 years, 7 months ago on 5 March 2010 05:32 (A review of Perfect Blue)

First of all, this movie will confuse you and it will make you think,
it might even screw with your mind because the plot isn't exactly
simple or easy. Those that say that got it all figured out ever since
the beginning are lying. This is a psychological thriller that knows
how to make use of suspense and how to mix reality and fantasy to the
point of confusing the viewer while developing a complex and concise
plot. It's really a murder mystery filled with twists that will throw
some fake hints at you, with a great direction and very powerful scenes
that contribute to the nature of this movie. This movie is for adults,
seriously, we are dealing with nudity, a rape scene, explicit violence,
gore and a very complex plot, so please... take that into

Overall I really enjoyed this movie, it's a suspense and mystery ride
with a very intelligent plot and an ending that while it will make you
initially think that the whole thing didn't make any sense, if you
think carefully about all the little details everything ends up making
perfect sense. It's one of those movies that might require a second
viewing. Doesn't get a perfect 10 from me because in spite of being
original and a masterpiece in the anime media, out of it, it's nothing

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Craziest movie ever

Posted : 14 years, 7 months ago on 25 February 2010 02:16 (A review of Versus)

Let me start by saying that this is the craziest action movie I have ever seen. I don't mean crazy in the sense it has crazy action scenes (it has), or crazy characters (it has..) or a crazy story (it does have...), I mean crazy on the freaking whole, the whole movie is crazy and has a crazy concept, and that is what made it interesting and entertaining to me.

So basically a group of convicts escapes into a forest to rendezvous with another group of gangstas, the thing goes wrong, there's a double-cross, a gunfight... the usual. However, that forest happens to be one of the 666 portals to the other world. I know right?

So what does this mean? That the guys who are gonna get killed... aren't really going to die! This gives a whole new meaning to the idea that people die if they are killed.

And this brings us to the best shoot-out action and sword fights of zombies versus yakuzas you will ever seen! Well, then there's something about this guy trying to figure out what the hell is going on, rescuing a kidnapped girl, being the chosen one and fighting the forces of evil... at the same time. It's one hell of a complex plot in a plot-less movie... What??

This movie is incredibly gory, funny and fast-paced. It IS action-oriented, but it's so much more! It's also a very crazy film if I haven't mentioned it yet and if it's going to do anything to you other than tell you in your face "it's all about the fun" is to entertain you for 2 hours or so.

If you like some new and crazy ideas for a non-stop hilarious and action ride, watch this movie with the thought that it's going to be very, very special.

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Posted : 14 years, 7 months ago on 24 February 2010 12:30 (A review of Blood Diamond)

I'm going to start by saying that I felt this movie very deeply, partly
due to it's very powerful and emotional story, partly because of the
solid and strong performances of DiCaprio and Djimon Hounsou which was
a good surprise.

This movie has a political side to it, the RUF (Revolutionary United
Front) is a violent group of rebels that kidnaps children, destroys
their innocence with drugs and alcohol transforming them into one of
the rebels themselves with a complete brainwash, while enslaving adults
to work on a diamond field. Diamonds those, that are used to fund their
war. However the main point of interest in this film, is the quest of a
fisherman (Djimon Hounsou), made slave by the RUF, to try and save his
son, who was kidnapped by RUF as well, when he is rescued by a diamond
smuggler (Leonardo Dicarpio) who is only interested in... diamonds.

The story becomes a painful journey for these men, each one using the
other to reach their own goal. It's interesting to see the evolution of
the relationship between them and the character development twists as
they become closer. Specially interesting to see is the inner conflicts
going on with DiCpario's character.

It becomes with no doubt an emotional ride within a violent and intense
story. I don't mean violent in a graphical way (the movie has some very
tough scenes though), but violent in the way the movie explores and
deals with the darkest and evilest sides of men's nature as well as
what despair and force of will can achieve.

If I was child living in the situation those African children were
living, I would look at the RUF and I would see the purest state of
fear and evil, so great of an evil that it could torture and twist you
to the point of destroying all the good and innocent in you and
transform you in fear itself. Now this is what this child is
experiencing and what this father is trying to stop at all costs...
heavy no? This movie is definitely worth to be seen, it's a human story
with a inhuman side to it, though not everyone will have an easy time
watching it. I watched this movie with my father (who is actually a
very sensitive person concerning movies and not-only) and he greatly
enjoyed the movie but had trouble watching some of the more powerful
scenes due to its incredible realism.

Great story, great drama, powerful performances and a beautiful
reporter as well (Jennifer Conneli, I forgot to mention you!). The best
movie of the genre I've watched, no-doubt.

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Excitement and entertainment!

Posted : 14 years, 7 months ago on 24 February 2010 12:23 (A review of Spider-Man 2)

Now this is a super-hero movie, filled with crazy action scenes, great
effects, funny moments and a little cheesiness. I can't explain why I
like Spider-man movies so much, I even liked the 3rd movie which I
admit it wasn't very good, but it was entertaining and it even managed
to be very emotional for me.

Spider-man has always been my favorite super-hero. There's just
something about a super-hero fighting crime, struggling to pay the
bills and trying to find time to study. It certainly was a hero that
revolutionized the basic concept of the rich hero which has a secret
base filled with costumes, weapons, gimmicks, wheels, etc. That AND
Spider-man's charisma appealed to me, he is a funny character, he wears
a funny costume (not too ninja-like that's for sure) and he has awesome
powers! He is not an indestructible mutant nor a green beast with
infinite strength... or even a guy who bursts into flames or shoots
laser-beams outta his ass! He IS a simple hero and has enough to be
cool and interesting, spider powers! After all he is your friendly
neighbourhood Spider-man! And by the way, the original Spider-man
created a hardening, sticky liquid/glue or whatever it is called,
making his own web, because in spite of his initial superhuman powers,
Peter Parker was also brilliant teenager and used that great intellect
to his advantage. That good analysis and perception of his also saved
his ass numerous times (I confess I used to be an avid reader of the
comics and follower of its never-ending story).

And this movie delivers all that, it shows how great of a super-hero
spider-man really is, his crazy-ass awesome villains, his cheesy jokes,
his athletic and jumpy fighting style, it's all awesome to be seen! And
for action fans, be it chaotic scenes, be it car chases, sword fights
or fisticuffs action, there are some scenes in this movie that will for
sure please all of you. Starting from the Bank robbery all the way to
the train stopping, it's candy for my eyes... Spider-man vs. Dr.
Octupus, one of my favorite fights in Cinema history.

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Hero, or not?

Posted : 14 years, 7 months ago on 24 February 2010 12:02 (A review of The Dark Knight)

"The Dark Knight", quite possible the best movie I have ever seen. I went to the cinema expecting an amazing film... it exceeded my already high expectations, something I don't think it happens very often. It is also the only movie that I watched twice on the big screen, ever! It was that good.

This movie works as a stand-alone story but it obviously continues the events of "Batman Begins" which happens to be one great movie as well. However, after watching "The Dark Knight" I look at "Batman Begins" and what I see is the prequel of a masterpiece.

So what is this film? It's basically a breath-taking action flick, a suspenseful crime story, a psycological thriller, a character development ride with unexpected drama and an amazingly well-told story with great direction, groundbreaking performances, incredible visuals and a memorable soundtrack. Oh I forgot to mention a little detail, it is also a superhero movie, and he has a bike.

So you could say that this movie here on this list, represents all that is good in the 7th art.

Ok now on a more serious note, this movie is a thrilling superhero action movie with a great police/mob story and one of those villains you will never forget.

Do I need to mention the Joker? I don't think I need to mention the Joker... But I will say that he is definitely ONE of the highlights of this movie (and probably the best one with that otherworldly performance) and he makes the film more interesting. However this movie is a complete success, it's a great achievement on the whole, not just a good movie with some successful elements in it... It's an amazing collective, the film, with outstanting individualities, the joker; the bike; etc.

So please enjoy this amazing movie on the whole. It's natural to be stupefied when watching those scenes with pencils or hospitals, but don't let them steal you total attention from the masterpiece of deep visual entertainment that is this movie.

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Veed added 19 items to My Most Perfect Albums list
10,000 Anos Depois Entre Vênus E Marte
Into the Wild

7 years ago
Veed commented on a list
Funniest anime series (10 tv items)

"Great list, but honestly, you need to watch Sayonara Zetsusbou Sensei and Full Metal Panic Fumoffu, now those things are simply hilarious"

11 years ago
Veed commented on a list
Top 10 Best Anime Series (89 tv items)

"With the exception of Code Geass, absolutely love this list! Do check out my own anime site for great anime info as well http://top50anime.com/50-best-anime-series-of-all-time"

11 years, 2 months ago
Veed commented on a list
My Movie List - What I like - Veed (28 movies items)

"Dokwart, that insight is brilliant! It's the first time I've heard someone mentioning it! I need to re-watch it though."

11 years, 8 months ago
Veed commented on a list
Dokwart's 10 "lesser known" anime (10 tv items)

"It is a nice list man, if not for the diversity in the titles you picked! You remind me that Gungrave is a must I have yet to watch. O h and if you enjoyed xxxHolic, you simply MUST read the manga, "

11 years, 8 months ago
Veed commented on a list
My Top 50 Anime Series (60 tv items)

"Well keel098890, Ive already decided Id give it another chance a while ago, but it's not one of my priorities atm. Time is scarce now a days, so, when I have the chance, Id rather pick up a movie or a"

11 years, 9 months ago
Veed commented on a list
My Top 50 Anime Series (60 tv items)

"well usually, someone who like soul eaater/TTGL, also enjoys the other at least a little, Im one of the odd exceptions lol"

11 years, 11 months ago
Veed commented on a list
My Top 50 Anime Series (60 tv items)

"You're welcome :) This list is old, but I update it from time to time!"

11 years, 11 months ago
Veed commented on a list
My Top 50 Anime Series (60 tv items)

"Well and I can't see how someone can say Elfen Lied or Soul Eater are musts. Elfen Lied is a bizarre ecchi and gore fest, with some qualities, while Soul Eater is just... a lacking shounen. You can't "

11 years, 11 months ago
Veed commented on a list
My Favourite Old Hollywood Hairstyles (519 person items)

"Veronica Lake and Ingrid Bergman, no competition!"

12 years, 2 months ago
Veed commented on a list
My Top 50 Anime Series (60 tv items)

"I'm glad to announce that anime like Berserk, Outlaw Star and Hunter x Hunter that was missing has been (finally) watched and greatly enjoyed. Every single one made it into the top. Berserk in particu"

12 years, 2 months ago
Veed commented on a list
My Top 50 Anime Series (60 tv items)

"Argurotoxus, the reason a wuss character does not annoy me is very simple, they tend to feel realer then the norm, and usually have the best development out of all the cast since they end up as "compl"

12 years, 2 months ago
Veed commented on a list
My Top 50 Anime Series (60 tv items)

"Well Majic, I accept your views, but you have to understand that what you think isn't necessarily what is right. I liked Durarara, but at mid-point, it loses track of itself and the direction becomes "

12 years, 2 months ago
Veed commented on a list
Most Valuable Listal Players, sorted by country (44 person items)

"Its a very interesting list, thx for including me."

12 years, 2 months ago
Veed commented on a list
Not only Disney made ​​our childhood (157 movies items)

"wow I remember almos all of these!!!! And Top Cat!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I loved that as a kid!"

12 years, 2 months ago
Veed commented on a list
My Top 50 Anime Series (60 tv items)

"Lol, sometimes I dont comprehend how someone can NOT like TTGL, it makes you feel good! :P In any case, you do seem to have enjoyed it, it just isn't your favorite thing ever. Not everyone's tastes ca"

12 years, 3 months ago
Veed commented on a list
My Top 50 Anime Series (60 tv items)

"saltedmangos: not yet, can't watch them all ;)"

12 years, 3 months ago
Veed commented on a list
My Top 50 Anime Series (60 tv items)

"Dokwart: Im glad you took that much enjoyment out of this list and that you found some new faves. Sometimes I think "How can someone not enjoy TTGL?" On and keep an eye on it, I update it with new (a"

12 years, 3 months ago
Veed commented on a list
My Top 50 Anime Series (60 tv items)

"I will eventually update this to a top 60"

12 years, 3 months ago
Veed commented on a list
They talk with their eyes (100 person items)

"Indeed fantastic list, though it saddens me I didn't find AL Pacino in here with some of his older roles, especially Scent of a Woman, perfectly fits the theme. M and City lights are my favorites from"

12 years, 3 months ago
Veed commented on a list
Top 10 Redheads (10 person items)

"wow... Susan Coffey is a killer"

12 years, 3 months ago
Veed commented on a list
Film scenes that make me sad (Spoilers) (18 movies items)

"Never, but ever watch Grave of the Fireflies. It may very well destroy your human soul."

12 years, 5 months ago
Veed commented on a list
Movies without villains.. (73 movies items)

"I think Into the Wild and Lost in translation are perfect examples"

12 years, 5 months ago
Veed commented on a list
Wait! That's a bad movie? (21 movies items)

"Im sooo with you! Except with the whole Charlie and the Chocolate Factory thing, I just couldn't get into its weirdness, neither funny or thrilling"

12 years, 5 months ago
Veed commented on a list
Actors on the rise: 2011-12. (16 person items)

"I failed to see Emma Roberts... hmm, must be a typo. Just kidding, I just fell in love with her, great list."

12 years, 5 months ago

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Posted: 11 years, 10 months ago at Dec 16 18:53
Posted: 12 years, 2 months ago at Jul 26 6:09
Hi, thanks for the vote on my Hanna-Barbera list
Posted: 12 years, 3 months ago at Jul 9 9:50
I'm working on a new project and you're part of it! If you want, you can check it out: www.listal.com/list/most-valuable-listal-players-sorted
Posted: 12 years, 5 months ago at May 4 22:14
Thanks for the list vote and comment.
Posted: 12 years, 7 months ago at Mar 13 16:13
Thanks for the comment... (I deleted the repeating one, if that's OK!)

No vote??
Posted: 12 years, 7 months ago at Mar 10 13:21
Hehe, thanks! Well, I didn't particularly care for it when I saw it. Maybe I just wasn't in the right mood, probably going to give it another go sometime. :)
Posted: 12 years, 7 months ago at Mar 7 13:07
Thanks for the list vote and comment on my Buffy List. Im currently watching Season 4 as we speak
Posted: 12 years, 7 months ago at Feb 29 10:58
Thanks for your input in the forum. I totally agree with you :D
Posted: 12 years, 8 months ago at Feb 21 19:39
Many thanks for the list vote and comment ! I really agree with you Steve.
Posted: 12 years, 8 months ago at Jan 28 18:53
Thanks for the vote on my Super films of the '70s list! Have a good weekend...
Posted: 12 years, 9 months ago at Jan 15 17:21
Thaaaank you so much for your participation!
Posted: 12 years, 9 months ago at Jan 14 14:04
Hello there mate, I would love to have you participate in this :D www.listal.com/list/listals-favourite-anime-series
Posted: 12 years, 9 months ago at Jan 13 12:24
This is your last chance to take help us choose the best movies ever !!! What are you waiting for?!?

Listal's 100 Films To See Before You Die (2012)
Posted: 12 years, 9 months ago at Jan 6 9:38
Let's start the new year with a BANG!!! Last year, 'Inception' was elected best movie ever made by the Listal users. Do you agree with this or do you think it is a huge mistake ? What are you waiting for?!?

Listal's 100 Films To See Before You Die (2012)

Posted: 12 years, 10 months ago at Dec 23 11:16
Thanks very much for the explainaiton of the diffrence between fma and fmab. Where would you recommend me to start watching fmab when i didint read the manga but watched all eps of FMA?
Btw. do you happen to know if hellsing ultimate is aleready finished or if ep 9 was aleready aired?

Regarding Canaan, its been a while since i watched it, also i tend to not memorize stuff ive seen that good, the main thing i remember is, if it was good or not, and canaan left a good impression on me

About Lupin III, i used to watch some episodes back in the day (10 years ago or longer), i remember i liked it very much but ive still to watch all of the episodes

Btw. do you also have a top manga list or sth like that?
Posted: 12 years, 10 months ago at Dec 4 22:37
lol thanks for the funny picture on my list. I'm glad you approve ^_^
Posted: 12 years, 10 months ago at Nov 29 17:15
Thanks so much for an other vote and comment on one of my lists!
Posted: 12 years, 11 months ago at Nov 18 15:06
hiya, thanks very much for your comment x3 I replied on the list ;)
Posted: 12 years, 11 months ago at Nov 17 4:13
Hey! I'm doing well and I hope your doing good as well. I'll have to check it out I'm sure I'll like it since we have the same tastes in media ^_^
Posted: 13 years ago at Oct 10 10:55
Thanks for the vote & comment and yes, I've seen both City Lights and M and I will think about it, although I'm not planning to update the list at all!