"That's a great list, I strongly recommend Jin-Roh The Wolf Brigade as well. That movie is one of my favorites of all time."

"Heh, that's an interesting list, I guess I will take some ideas from these"

"City Lights, It's a Wonderful Life, The Godfather, Schindler's List, Pulp Fiction and LotR... they are all there, some of my faves as well ;)"

"What a great list... very refined taste. I would like to mention Forest Whitaker in The Last King of Scotland, Philip Seymour Hoffman in Capote and Heath Ledger in The Dark Knight."

"I highly doubt Inception will nail the Oscar. It will most certainly win in most of the more technical departments like sound, effects and editing, but The Social Network is the favorite. It's such a "

"Great list and very interesting points, but I don't like how you make some of those arguments look like facts. Good job nevertheless."

"many of these photos aren't that real, there are other factors like whether and light that catches some of these celebs in the wrong angle... but there's still some that are just scary... Madonna and "

"I wouldn't exactly agree with your first choices but pretty beautiful list!"

"I have watched most of these movies and I gotta say while most of them aren't really worthy it or that good, there are a few that are must-sees and great classics that don't belong in such a list. To "

"Tony Scott - Denzel Washington; Scorsese - DiCaprio. This list is missing a lot of entries, even popular ones."

"I can't see twilight on this list? Must be a typo."

"Spider-man 3, Troy, Wild Hogs. I say yes."

""12 Angry Men (1957)" is one of 2 movies I choose to use in an argument when discussing the fact that men are superior actors than woman (thus liars lol), the other being "The Godfather". Curious eno"

"I was like "Yes... indeed... mhm..." until I reached "The reef" and then I was like "wut?" xD. Solid list though, very nice read. I miss Inception and How to train your Dragon there though."

"This list gets a vote for Iron Monkey! Best of the 90's? Heck, it's one of the best martial arts movies of all time, at least among the more theatrical ones."

"Mary Elizabeth Winstead ftw! Kate Winslet in ESotSM is also pretty good."

"no doubt, Saruman is one important missing guest. great list"

"I can't seem to find "skinny" in the list title...can you?"

"Very informative, I was actually surprised to see Quantum of Solace and Spider-man II there. Im actually a huge fan of SMII, glad to see the budget was well spent in that one."

"Good list, wall-e is my favorite ever. I think you should explore more out of the Disney/Pixar trend though."

"I was constantly jumping from odd number to odd number... odd."

"lol you even listed the sequels of the movies you don't want to see... whats the point of that?"