"Good list and some anime I have yet to watch. Only one thing I don ot understand... Macross 7 (1994)? I think it's a bad anime."
"Yeah, I still need to add comments to the others, Legend of the Drunnken Masters represents the good ol' Martial Arts movies."
"The best movie won, and that was The Hurt Locker. Avatar is a visually stunning experience and a good movie, but oscar worthy? Are you kidding me? Only on technical categories which involve sound and"
"good list and I've seen most of them, and interesting how you ranked Children of Men so highly... I gotta check out that movie, also has Mr. Owen."
"Wow, havn't seen even one of these, I guess I'm really not into horror."
"Wow man, great list, actually it's only list that made me want to comment. Definitely great action movies out there, I'm just not a great fan of the mass "Shoot'em up" like Commando or Rambo movies, "